Service > Raw food

Raw Food Workshop

This workshop is non nonsense, no bullshit class on how to create easy and fast raw food dishes with ease. The recipes are live proven. They consist of local infredients or are adapted to what nature offers in your area. All of the recipes can be integrated easily into a busy daily schedule.

Fruits are and integral ingredient to natures kitchen

Raw food is the best way to have the cleanest energy.

Why raw & living foods?

When you cook food, you lose up to 85% of it’s nutritional value as the heat destroys the enzymes. Raw foods take less energy to digest, and provide the body with more energy. Living foods are a type of raw food, but they’re still alive when you eat them. They consists of germinated seeds, baby plants, and ferments. Living foods are 10-30 times more nutritious than their adult counterparts, and have been found to alleviate a wide range of illnesses and disorders.

Raw Food Workshop


  • Everything you need to know about juicing
  • All about smoothie preparations
  • How to make delicious raw cakes
  • Raw warm dishes
  • Crackers, chips, breads etc.

I'd love to hear from you

Whether you have questions about the program, trials, pricing, need a demo, or anything else,

I'm ready to answer all your questions

healyourselftoday (at)


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Rawfood Workshop

Create your own whole, raw food dishes

This workshop is non nonsense, no bullshit class on how to create easy and fast raw food dishes with ease. The recipes are live proven. They consist of local infredients or are adapted to what nature offers in your area. All of the recipes can be integrated easily into a busy daily schedule.

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Dive into the richness of your senses with delicious raw foods

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Nature itself is the best Physician